Diagnosing Tooth Grinding in Children
Orthodontists like Dr. Rashidi can often diagnose bruxism in children and young adults simply by looking in their mouth, so if you’re concerned that your child may be tooth grinding, give us a call and we’ll schedule an appointment for a consultation.
The simplest way to know if your child is grinding their teeth is to listen to them sleep at night. But what if you don’t sleep near your child? There are several additional signs to look for that, while they do not necessarily mean that your child has a tooth grinding problem, could indicate that it is worth looking into. These include:
- Sensitivity or Pain in the Jaw/Face Upon Waking
- Unexplained Headaches in the Mornings
- Pain or Discomfort When Chewing
- Damaged Teeth or Flattened Teeth
As often occurs with unusual symptoms in children and teens, many of these symptoms could be the result of some other problem – or no problem at all. Headaches can be caused by bruxism, or they could be caused by staring too long at the computer or not drinking enough water, for example.
But if you have any suspicion that your child may be grinding their teeth when they sleep, it may be worth seeing an orthodontist that can correctly diagnose the issue and provide an appropriate treatment.