
We’ve all been told how crucial it is to floss daily, yet many individuals still forget to do it—particularly those who use braces. While wearing braces, flossing is vital because bacteria may so readily become stuck in strange locations, even if it may feel like a bother. After each meal, floss your teeth and braces to keep them clean, which will also help you stay on schedule with your treatment. Choosing The Right Floss The majority of the store-bought commercial floss will work well for you. Only when teeth are remarkably close together, do people experience an issue. A thin,

We’ve all heard how important it is for us to floss daily, but many people find themselves skipping this important task. Especially those who wear braces. Though it might seem like a chore, flossing is super important while wearing braces because bacteria can so easily get lodged in odd places. If you are getting your teeth cleaned every six months as is recommended, then just imagine how many different meals and snacks you eat in a six-month period. Many of us eat two or three times per day, snacking on nuts, chips, or fruit between meals. Though regular brushing will