Living with sleep apnea can be challenging. You struggle with little sleep, health consequences, and all of the issues that make sleep apnea such a dangerous long-term condition. In the past, traditional sleep apnea treatment has only consisted of getting a CPAP or BiPAP machine – a bulky and sometimes uncomfortable device that included a mask that you needed to wear every night while you sleep. It’s an effective treatment when used. The problem is that many people will not use it, leaving their sleep apnea untreated and setting themselves at risk for the complications that this condition can create.
Snoring is a common issue among many Americans. But not all snoring is created equal. Some snoring is caused by the inability to breathe during sleep known as sleep apnea, and those that struggle with this condition may struggle with numerous health consequences, including: Insufficient Sleep High Blood Pressure Headaches, Eye Pain, Anxiety, and More Sleep Apnea Treatment in Orange County CA What’s Sleep Apnea? The term for this is “Sleep Apnea,” and it can have an effect on your daily life in numerous ways – from excessive sleepiness during the day to reduced productivity at school or work. Over

Dr. Rashidi’s orthodontics specialty training program was one of the very a few programs (out of 60+ orthodontic specialty programs) that are hospital based. Dr. Rashidi was trained treating the most difficult type of orthodontic cases.
Teeth grinding is not always a cause for concern. However, if you find that you grind your teeth at night to the point of causing pain or damaging your teeth, you’re likely dealing with bruxism. Bruxism is the habitual and unconscious grinding or clenching of your teeth. Bruxism tends to occur at night while sleeping and can be caused by a variety of different issues, including stress or misalignment of teeth. Treatments for Bruxism If you have been diagnosed with bruxism, there are several orthodontic treatments that can help. The following are some of the most common orthodontic treatments for
We all clench our teeth from time to time. Grinding and clenching occasionally are not considered a health issue. However, there is a medical condition for those that clench their teeth frequently, known as “Bruxism,” and those that suffer from Bruxism may be causing issues that contribute to a problems with their teeth and a lower quality of life. Bruxism is the habitual clenching, grinding, or gnashing of teeth together. It’s worse at night for most sufferers and can sometimes be indicative of a larger problem, like anxiety, sleep apnea, or chronic sinus conditions. If you believe you may suffer
While there is no exact age for children to begin orthodontic treatment, the recommendation of American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) is to visit the orthodontist no later than age seven. By this age, most children are in mix dentition (have a mix of baby teeth and adult teeth), making it easier for the orthodontist to diagnose and correct tooth and jaw problems before they become bigger and affect the child’s growth and development permanently; and in doing so prevent need for future surgery/extraction. Early intervention and treatment allows your orthodontist to: Intercept bad oral habits (i.e. thumb sucking, tongue thrusting)
An orthodontist is to teeth as a cardiologist is to the heart. The same way it is important to have the cardiologist handle your heart problems, it is important to have an orthodontist straighten your teeth. Orthodontists are very highly trained specialists. They partner with your general dentist to provide you and your love ones with the best comprehensive oral health care possible. Orthodontists are specialized dentists, who after graduating from dental school and go on to additional full-time advance didactic and clinical training in an accredited orthodontic residency program. The training lasts at least two to three academic years